This is ridiculous!Finder holders this finder holder that!Once again nothing new There are Cur Dogs Here In The States That Do Exactly What You Guys Keep Trying To Say Is New.Hyan I believe that you are hunting with some of the best bred bay dog's there are but you have no ground to stand on making broad statements against cur dog's and That goes for you as well Blackstreack.You guys run 2 dog's that find and catch and so do thousands of other people right here in the States.Cur dog's!Some of the old line's around me are very large as well The Dad to my Dozer pup was 95lbs and straight catch many people here don't even own a bulldog I do because I also have some baydogs and even a cold nosed hound.The longer I do this the more I realize that being one dimensional with your dog's,hunting and thought processes keeps you from being able to adapt and catch hogs anywhere you go.Example I started running straight catch dog's Curs and also well bred pits that put down 20 + miles a hunt and out performed many other dog's I still own these dog's and I walk hunted mainly but now I hunt some larger tracts of land as well with pine thicket and chop like these guy's speak of huge impenetrable blocks some blocks as large as a few thousand acres there may be a swamp or something in the center of that block and there may be hogs in there but it's impractical to walk in and find out.So you adapt you get casting dog's like the ones I have now that I can send in the block and whether it be 2 miles across it I will know if there's hogs in there.If not pick up and move on to the next.The club I hunted last week was 48,000 acres of this not very many tracks on the road or sign period but I caught 4 hogs behind my loose casting dog's and I know for a fact that my shorter ranging straight catch dog's would have had a hard time there don't get me wrong I could've busted the brush with them and caught a hog or two but it just wasn't the best way.When I hunt some of my smaller tracts of land I just bring my straight catch shorter ranging dog's and by shorter ranging I mean hunting 3-500 yds.I know that straight catch dog's work I own them and they don't have to be from outside the country we got em here but there are places where they will be outperformed by a different styles dog and that's a fact.Also Hairy Holder told me he flew dog's to Hawaii so I am just passing on the info said it wasn't that costly.
Wait so you own finderholders there just short range so because yours are short range there are no long range finderholders? And I am not saying curs suck or can't find pigs they can.could your 95 pound cur dog out run a well bred 95 pound running dog cross like a stag/gray/deer/wolf or gray/shepherd/wippet/cat? I don't think so that's the point I was getting at I know there cur catch dogs I have seen them a friend of mine has some super and I mean super rough curs that find and hold pigs for as long as he let's them bad ass dogs but there not 100 pounds and fast as a running dog there in shape 55-65 pound dogs mike runs cur that will die before they leave a pig that they had started another set of bad ass cur dogs I know that curs work I am trying to point out that there not the only ones that can go out find pigs and hold them while you walk 1600 yards you like your curs keep your curs it's the right wing conspiracy that I am trying to say there's no place for curs if some one wants to know about finder holders that are not cur then black, hairy ,centex,txboardog,myself would be able to answer questions just like if I wanted to know about curs I would ask well mike first of course then mr.vice then you and judge and lastly of course parker cus he's a meany
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