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Author Topic: interbreeding questions  (Read 834 times)
Internet Hog Hunting Specialist
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2 burnin, 6 turnin powered by diesel

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« on: March 05, 2017, 09:44:55 am »

a background on the father and son. the sire is 50% wrights yellow jacket, the the dam of the son, which i bred to the sire was 50% of yellow jacket. the bitch i I'm trying to get bred now is 50/50 catahoula and dogo. i might have pulled spook (catdo) out to soon, but i pull her out and take her to bo (the son) and he does business, so I'm keeping that breeding going.  i wanted to breed the sire first so i can clear him out, but that isn't going to happen till spook's next cycle. anyways, I'm wanting to a pup from bo/spook and spook/leggins and cross them out. the only con i have of father son is, they don't like ea other and i can't hunt them together without a fight on my hands. the son is 1 hell of guard dog, who even wants to take a chunk of flesh out of me if i get him riled up and he has broken and pulled up his stake and was a good boy and bit the mother in law. spook is highly territorial herself, and will do damage if provoked and the sire the same, but take more provocation. I'm wanting to concentrate the aggressiveness/guard genetics. since I'm not really into hunting from the ground with dogs anymore, i figure to strengthen my protection at the house and concentrate my hunting hogs with death from above.

Why should I trade one tyrant three thousand miles away for three thousand tyrants one mile away? An elected legislature can trample a man's rights as easily as a king can!
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