i go back to what i always have said ...if we all knew what we think we know about breeding dogs you could buy top dogs all day long for about a buck a piece .......... if your breeding don't work you just didn't have the blood you thought you had .... period .......
Whole lot of truth right here, we can all sit around and talk till were blue in the face or type till our fingers fall off, unless you have extensive knowledge of the back ground behind your dogs it’s all a crap shoot, we can speculate all day long about what one would do in a perfect situation, if there was such a thing then like parker49 said there would be top dogs on every corner for pennies on the dollar, the reason they’re not is because there’s not a man or woman alive who has figured it all out, there’s some that have come pretty close with but none have figured it out completely, only thing a person can do is trial and error and learn from your mistakes and try not to repeat them in the future...
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