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Author Topic: Last few weeks  (Read 3244 times)
Black Streak
Alpha Dog
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« on: November 19, 2018, 07:17:01 am »

I’d be really interested to know where you can find a Dane like that. A friend of mine crossed one with a pit gyp and has a nice catch dog. He just uses him for a lead in, but he is a leggy nice dog. I’d love to see a dog like yours work. I have a half pit half cane corso . He’s leggy and hard to break off by yourself too. He doesn’t have a lot of hunt but he’s a hard mouth dog. Laid back and don’t get excited till the dogs bay. I don’t take him by myself much anymore, him and a couple curs are more than a handful when you’re tying hogs. Keep us updated on him. Thanks.

I've been given a couple danes to train on that took to hunting fairly easy but would not catch there own pig.      If you know what to look for, picking a dane that takes to hunting and smashing big boars 1 out is relatively easy.     Usually can find them very cheap if not free.    They are the problem danes that are to much for their owners.   To hyper and energetic for their liking, to hard headed, or rengades that take to killing farm animals  or catching them such as does, horses, etc.         Pretty easy for a dog man to stock break such a dog and this dog will take to pigs naturally.      Needs not be shy, a dane shoukd be bold and courageous.      Easy to pick a mature dane like this, just don't get any that hace been desexed as it causes huge health problems.             Don't get pup, they are expensive and never know what your getting.      Could get a shy lazy pup  that wastes 18 months of your time and feed.   
    Most pig doggers will not be able to hunt such a dog for its a hole nother caliber of dog both in strength and determination and he ain't gonna stick around at your feet, he going off to find pigs if in pig country.      It's a different level of responsibility to hunt such a dog.           Crossing a good dane to a pit does nothing for hardness and gets you shorter range dogs usually but still very handy and useful dogs.     The pit is the only dog that can equal the hardness of a decent dane.   I've owned pits and I own danes.   The hardest dog I've ever owned is a dane and the best hunter in ever owned are danes.          People will call B.S. on all this in sure till they see it in real life.   I would not want a dane as a lead in just because they will bounce you off every tree in the pasture and drag your butt to the bay less you got a fantastic handle on them. 
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