What size dog was Geronimo?
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Maybe 45-50 pounds if that and that's pushing it to the max, he was nothing but solid muscle because he ran and ran and ran non stop around his chain space everyday all day, I've seen bulldogs brought to a show that had just come out of an 8 week keep that weren't as in good condition as him, and he didn't have much head size to him nor was he the hardest biting dog I've seen but he was by far the smartest canine athlete I've ever owned, as good of a handle I had on him I can only recall ever putting a shocking collar on him once and that was bc we had a hot race going and I didn't want to take the chance of that one time he didn't listen but other than that a switch between his ears in his early days did him a lot of good, I had a heavy game bred male on the yard I had just picked up from a buddy out of a litter we raised and he got off his chain and killed Geronimo, one of the hardest and most costly lessons I ever learned about the quality of the snaps and swivels I use now...