Well guess this is a good a time as any to introduce myself.
My name is Monty Hanson, I was a hang around back in the beginning of the Texas Dog Hunters association I wanted to learn about hunting hogs with dogs and I learned a lot from TDHA members
I was invited on a few hunts and did some volunteer work and fund raising for the big hunt competition TDHA did back then in HAlletsville
I learned enough to figure out me and the way I was living was not cut out for it, too much time spent working on the road.
fast foreward to today and I have spent the last 3 years figuring it out how I want to hunt and at the moment I have a loose baying BMC and a good catchdog prospect I got from RyanTBH (Thanks again!)
and am looking to ad some more dogs as soon as po$$ible.
I am not on facebook but it
https://www.texasworkingdogalliance.org/ seems to be more active there which is no good for me as I don't do social media.
This is from the TWDA Facebook page
http://the-cavalry-group.rallycongress.com/ctas/5c91922427e27-new-draft-campaign?fbclid=IwAR30e2eIHiH3R4BCuXtcq1R891nKPlBrbsrxOdQABn5B8xu94m1a8W-9DC4 It gives more info on the bill
I plan on doing some phone calls because my handwriting stinks and I am no fan of snailmail when it comes to elected officials.
I have been reading this forum for quite some time I plan on filling out my profile and hopefully posting up some pics of my dogs.