« Reply #60 on: March 28, 2019, 05:22:14 am » |
The dual purpose dogs definitely exist. I have hunted with them many times but while I've owned and hunted dogs that were very related to them I didn't use mine that way. The reason being is dogs are like kids, even the good ones screw up sometimes. If you are hunting your own property with your cattle on it then I see no problem with it. But if your on someone else's property with their cattle and your bored young dog(s) decides hell there ain't no hog here I'll just bay this set of cows, then things can go south quick. It can happen with a dog that isn't used dually but is usually more tempting for that one that already thinks there's no harm in it. When your 6 or 800 yards away thinking that ole so and so is baying a hog and it's really Ferdinand, it can get western quick fast and in a hurry. I seen it happen first hand more than once. Once they had an 1800-2000# Ferdinand caught. I had a hell of a time getting him legged and thrown by myself. I was the first one in there. These dogs didn't lack handle. They knew what was what, they just had a brain fart and got bored. Or I've seen cattle run at dual purpose dogs like they do so many times. Instead of catching another gear and getting on past them like mine will, they got pissed off and didn't bluff. So then we had cattle bayed. They bunched because they were dog broke but it could've gone from bad to worse if they hadn't been. Plus we were right there when it happened and were able to call the dogs off and it was the other guys cattle. I've also seen dogs that were hog dogs by day and coon dogs by night. It worked well both ways. Super good dog. Heck once I saw him bay a hog that was backed up to a pin oak tree. He would bark a few barks at the hog then look up and bark a few barks. We look up and sure enough he was bayed and treed at the same time one boar hog and one boar coon. I guess he did that on purpose because he didn't want to run back and forth from bush to tree bush to tree so he just moved the boar hog over.
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