Good looking group of dogs. Really like that copper colored lunk head in the last picture
Thank ya! He’s a damn headache. That’s my dog Thorn. He was the first dog I ever got. I got him when he was about 6 months old off of an old man that my uncle is friends with. Nothing special, just a bulldog. He’s lucky I’m sentimental to him because I had him in the house and he was my only dog for almost two years. He absolutely hates riding in the box. If he knows I’m going hunting he will hide in his dog house and I have to drag him out, and he will shake like crazy before I put him in the box. Like he’s completely terrified. And then when it’s time to head home he will try to hide in the woods around the truck sometimes. I don’t know why he’s so scared of getting in the box. He’s a good RCD though. He will go around a mile if he sees the pig. A lot of the time he will stick with the lead dog on a hot track. I’ve never had him find his own pig though. Catches pretty hard and is always somewhere on the head. He will grab an ear if there’s any available. All my dogs catch so they’re normally all hanging off of the head until there’s no more room and then they’ll grab where they can
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