« on: March 04, 2008, 04:40:22 pm » |
Chris all in all i think the it was good just a few thing the pictures were never asked for which pretty much made hauling that camera around usless and the second thing and i don't know the man from Adam, but think that having a certified hog buyer hunting in the contest who just so happened to catch the only hog over will just shoot low and say 250 i think the correct weight was 397 gutted is just a bit fishy to me if i remember correctly the hog was clean from any dog marks. Folks don't catch hogs like that often and for sure not with out a dog having to put some teeth one on him some where to shut him down. Also in the rules it stated all contestants must be in line at 12noon and i believe the last truck pulled in at after that 12:15. Once again all in all though it was well put together. May be instead of the pictures next year there can be a polygragh like they use in the STAR fishing tournament and split divisons for shot hogs and stuck hogs.
« Last Edit: March 04, 2008, 04:52:06 pm by catchdog7469 »