I love to shoot hogs cuz I like to go in and watch a bay my dogs sit way back and bay there is no touching for my dogs unless he try’s to slip out the back door lot of times I kill more then one in a rally and the hogs never break but I have some jam up catch dogs to that I love to use when other peoples dogs go with me
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I have spent a few hours probably this year already just sitting and watching my dogs bay. My favorite part. I am a cur dog guy, I'm very opinionated when it comes to baying and what actual baying looks like vs. Fighting a hog or just barking at it so I like to get in there and watch and I can really appreciate when it looks like it should. We kill hogs off of our places because they affect our bottom line. I've got 4 places at the moment I hunt that have nothing to do with my source of income or that we don't have a hand in. I do not kill many hogs off these places. If they get to tearing stuff up bad enough land owner is calling I'll go bust them up and kill a few. But most of the time I just try to bay, especially if we bay some good hogs that want to stand right off the back. I try not to kill them, it's nice to have places with hogs like that to take puppies.
As far as being scared as mentioned above lmao, we can run your dogs and your bulldogs and I bet I'm flipping the hog waiting on you 9 times out of 10. Game as they come son, just don’t care to do it all the time. I work 60+ hours a week on my feet blowing and going. I hit the woods I want to relax.
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