The brass retains temperature better. It doesn't warm up as fast as the stainless once applied to the animal. Copper or copper alloys are supposed to be the best about temperature retention but brass is probably the most common because of cost. The stainless works but is a lot harder to get consistent results with, especially on larger animals like cattle and horses where it has to be held on longer. The up side to stainless is you can use it for freeze branding or as a hot iron. I have never used stainless but have never talked to anyone that had real good results with them. The branding iron companies will tell you the same or they did when I was deciding. Hope that's what you were needing.
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Appreciate your reply t-dog.
My son knows of a fella that makes his own branding irons with medical grade stainless but use's them on stock only. We were thinking of maybe using them to mark our dogs with. We may have to contact a branding iron company.
Thanks again t-dog.