« on: March 05, 2008, 08:38:12 am » |
OK maybe my statement was poorly worded Guess the way it should have read is "could sound fishy to some" If I would have thought the man Cheated i would have said something there. That is not what i was trying to say. Was just trying to let Chris know there was alot of complaints about a buyer competing it was not about who won what. I was not stating anything about the fact that it was a barr hog as our team caught a barr as well in free range and we don't cut hogs so i can't tell you how it got there it happens. Reburn We placed 4th had alot of fun doing so with good friends and were able to help folks out as well as that was the point of the event. I was not trying to make and aligations towards anyone just trying to pass on information as that is what Chris asked for was feedback. Sorry for any misconseptions.