« on: February 24, 2020, 04:39:11 pm » |
Funny this is brought up, we just lost one heck of a seasoned strike dog and this possibility was brought up, collar quit working altogether and when we finally found the dog he looked as if he was sucking extremely hard for air and we couldn’t get his mouth to open, to be honest he looked like he had been electrocuted to death the way his body was contorted and such, were not sure if he got hit by the hog and the points of the collar crushed his wind pipe or the collar malfunctioned and shorted out and electrocuted him to the point he couldn’t breather and basically suffocated, there’s a whole number of possibilities and scenarios but some pretty sharp minds were all thinking of the “what if’s” and all signs point to the collar somehow being the root of the problem, you won’t read much on these instances and occurrences on the internet because garmin will do what’s necessary to keep it hushed, by no means am I saying that the collar was to blame, just makes a fella wonder a good bit, at then end of the day they are electrical devices and we all know that water and electricity don’t mix, either way it was a horrible situation to walk into and find one of your best friends and ole tried and true companions had reached the end of his life and you don’t have a clue how it happened...