In the Guineas defense...... It is my first and only Guinea that was given to us at a day old, also was a turkey, the turk died and left me with a lonely guinea
so it thinks it belongs with people rather than the older meaner chickens! It is only about 2 months old and follows us around like puppy. Unlik the chickens it has never crapped on us while holding it or sitting on us
So far, although I am not a guinea expert it seems much more intellegent than my Chickens, and is really starting to knock out the insect population. From what I read they are the Best for Tick population control.
I agree they don't belong on your head, but try telling that to the juvenille Guinea that rather be with people!
It is not very pretty but then again what do expect at the UglyDog Ranch?
Besides that the dern thing likes eating the pork too
so it can't be all bad