Evening fellas!
Let me step in a steaming pile for a moment and really put my foot in my mouth.
I would like for all good, right thinking, conservative, patriotic Americans to please stop using the term LIBERAL for the authoritarian A-holes on the American Left. PLEASE, PRETTY PLEASE, let’s refer to them as LEFTISTS because that’s who youre actually angry at.
Liberals are not the enemy, Leftists are. A traditional Liberal is one who believes in “I may disagree with what you said but I’ll fight to defend your right to say it”. A liberal is one who wants everybody to have equal rights according to law, they believe in the rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness etc. The angry, mean-spirited, puritanical, authoritarians in the Democrat side of the aisle are not Liberals, they are Leftists! They cloak themselves in good liberal ideas but then poison them with their left wing, statist authoritarianism and turn liberals and conservatives against each other.
I believe that the events of the last 12 years are waking up Liberals to the terrifying authoritarianism of the Leftists in their party and we conservatives should use this opportunity to welcome traditional liberals into our side of the aisle.
Let’s say you hate abortion. Most liberals don’t like abortion either (remember the phrase “safe, legal and rare”?) BUT they want to preserve the ability for women to get them when medically necessary and won’t go along with religious based complete bans on all abortion procedures. You might not realize it, but we can find enough common ground on that issue to find an acceptable compromise with liberals.
How about this Trans garbage? You hate what’s being FORCED on our nation? Here’s a crazy little secret, Liberals want Trans people to be treated fairly and stuff, but most liberals pretty dang uncomfortable with pervert teenage boys using Trans-rights laws as a way to access girls locker rooms too and if we frame our arguments correctly, liberals will compromise with us.
There’s a million more examples, but my basic point is that even though we disagree with liberals on a lot of topics, real liberal HATE authoritarianism and if we do our best to be smart, well spoken conservatives, liberals will RUN away from Leftists in the very near future.