« on: July 06, 2009, 08:29:05 pm » |
Hello, When I start a coon dog pup, I would look for fresh road kill coon. Skin the coon and remove all of the grease, salt the skin down with table salt and nail it to the barn, fence etc. The skin will dry in about a weak. You will be surprised that the skin will keep it's scent for a long time. You can always buy coon scent but I prefer the real deal. Once the skin is dry this should become the pups only toy, never leave the skin with the pup or it will disappear and you will swear that there has been a coyote in your yard (hairy poop). Play with the pup using the skin in no time trailing the skin will be the pups favorite pastime. Once the pup will tree the skin it is time to get a live coon and a roller cage. Good luck, I love to coon hunt.
Bennie <><