« on: July 04, 2021, 12:15:50 pm » |
That’s the same type I like highwater. Another thing I think they lack or don’t have as much of as the calm dog is stamina. I think they burn off or waste too much energy. They usually require twice as much feed. I’ve had some dogs I was really proud of, even now. Do I think they are the greatest…no! I have known for MANY years what style of dog I like and what characteristics they possessed. I have hunted with a bunch of good dogs over the years and a handful that I considered great. I owned one that I thought was great. It’s between him and another male for the spot. It would be nip and tuck between them. I wish that I would’ve been able to measure them against each other. I like to hunt with people that are reputable with reputable dogs. It’s not for bragging rights but for a measuring tool. You can see how your dogs measure up and if they have a hole in their game maybe it’s easier to see. One hunt doesn’t usually answer those type questions but 4 or 5 hunts will give you an idea. My dog that I thought was great, I hunted with many other dogs that were very highly thought of. I was NEVER disappointed in him and ALWAYS pulled his weight. He was the same dog solo as he was in the company of other really good dogs. I hunted him in all types of country and terrain and he was the same dog. I didn’t brag on him because his actions spoke for themselves. Dogs like him are the reason I hog hunt today. They’re almost magical and inventive in the things they do. I loved that dog and he loved me. If I left town for a couple of days for work, he wouldn’t eat. When I would turn off the highway a mile from the house, the wife would say she knew I was close because he would start raising he$$, because otherwise he was as quiet as a church mouse. He would eat that evening and the next morning it was game on. There is a way to speak highly and proud of your animals and even family and remain humble. I think a person should be or they shouldn’t be feeding them. To me greatness is in the eye of the beholder. I know people that hunted with my old dog that didn’t like him as much. He hunted as close or as deep as he needed to to find hogs, they liked short range. He rolled over super fast and would bay another hog as long as there were more or you would let him, they wanted to catch a couple and be done. So some of what I like others don’t.
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