There aren't a whole lot of them around, or at least that I am aware of. They are a pleasure to hunt with.
The few I've seen were some nice dogs, there was a pocket of guys in south Alabama that had some of it, they're just like anything else and look good with the variables stacked in their favor and look horrible in the days they are stacked against them, there wasn't many of them dogs from what I've gathered, just a good solid strain of cur dogs that Joey Denison put together, the ones I've hunted behind, one in particular, was ignorant gritty, he would bay a pig all day just the same as a boar hog, but just as soon as he heard and even got to be be where if he could smell him coming to a bay he'd try to catch out every time and was on his death bed quite a few times bc of that, ole boy got to where he had to approach him bayed going based off the wind direction bc he would get himself wrecked if he knew help wasn't far behind...