Dog fighting has and always will be for white trash and n#ggers
Has no business even being mentioned on a "working dog" forum. This is my opinion, of course.
And you know what they say about opinions, they're like as$holes and elbows, everybody's got them, your quick judgement and use of derogatory terms when referring to different ethnicities and cultures of individual, says a lot about your character and morals, but yet you label other as trash, the hypocrisy in itself should be humbling, but then again it's to be expected from some folks, they just can't help themselves and some just don't know any better, and furthermore your mentioning of a "working dog" and game dogs having no business even being mentioned in the same place again just goes to show everyone your ineptitude to actually know, understand, and comprehend the history and origins behind just about every breed and discipline of working dogs, so blinded by your own sub conscience needs to feel as if in some way your higher than others on the totem pole of life that you have the right to look down on others for whatever reason you tell yourself, yes there's good and bad individuals in every aspect of life that easily put a stigma on others, and those who believe such stigmas are of the weak minded sheeple, before you feel the need to feel higher than another and look down on someone as if you're in someway better than them how about stopping and ask yourself just who the F are you and what have you done for the betterment of society and mankind as whole, how have you contributed and what kind of impact do you make on the roads of life we all travel, I truly feel sympathy for individuals with mindsets such as yours who can never see the bigger picture of life, not putting down on or trash talking any type of sport where there's different levels and forms violence, and not condemning any culture or heritage or way of life, but I will say this, you can't force or make a dog become great at anything it doesn't want to naturally do against its own free will, whether it be in the box or the bushes, however I can't recall any time at all or any documentation throughout history of the sport of rodeo that there's ever been a breed of cattle developed or anyone particular individual calf that naturally wanted to have a rope attached to an 1100 lb horse thrown around their neck while running full speed and come to sudden stop jerked off their feet or thrown to the ground and have their feet restrained by a piece of rope, all because an individual wanted to show case their own individual skill at something, so next time you feel the need to compare apples and oranges how about dumping out the whole fruit basket, nuts and all, but then again that might be a little to advanced for you....