Hugh Murray put the dogs together and had much to do with the blood getting together. He put together Wager's, Myer's, and Mason's blood. That's how the dogs got started in Georgia. He used the Buster dog of Sam Mason's several times. Hugh's kennel prefix was HCM's. Joey(Nine Run's) and Eddie Denison came into the picture and tried to build on what Hugh has done. A 400acre pen with hogs and lots of puppies on the ground made them a hot commodity for several years; but they got too far away from what made the dogs and lost the blood needed to keep things going. The term 'Dennison Dog" didnt come around till about 10 years ago. Hugh put the blood together 30 years ago.
That’s correct, I spoke with Joey years ago about them dogs and he told me that and I think Danny spoke about it when I was over there hunting with em. They’re like anything else, they’re only as good as what you put into em.
I think we caught 14-17 hogs when I was over there. The Shaq dog was still living and he was producing some real nice young dogs. One of the better ones got killed while hunting on a big Barr. I don’t think I have 14 hogs on my whole lease right now, just different country and different hogs, but the dogs were nice for sure.