Rough curs
« on: March 15, 2022, 09:57:08 pm » |
We can run deer and yokes also. Grey fox ,coon,hogs and there's really nothing on going to ground in the regulation. Cajun the last year I ran hounds treed 37 bear in 1 canyon. We took 17 of which 12 or 13 where over 300#. Tried 7 lion that last year also same canyon. Used to be a winter grounds for our deer ,your lucky to see deer number 2. But what you do see is tons of number 2 with deer hair in it. This state is by far the most ass backward state . Sheep population is declining due to lions also. Those are big revenue so they cull lions in the darkness. I could tell alot more of what these crooked state employees do but I don't have my medical handy lol.