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Author Topic: Hey Mike, heard you met the welcome wagon!  (Read 3273 times)
Circle C
Internet Hog Hunting Specialist
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« Reply #20 on: July 08, 2009, 02:37:53 pm »

ok, is the story

We are hunting a "nature area" in a nice neighborhood in north Houston, this is Mike's place and he has the permission from the HOA, and prior to us heading out there, he contacted the local game warden and the constables office that patrols the neighborhood. Sometime a little after dark we are hunting the wooded area that borders an small lake and clearing. From the wooded area you can see the street. As we were nearing the edge of the wooded area/clearing we could see a vehicle at the street with a spotlight shining from the vehicle.  Thinking it was the GW or constable, we started heading their direction. The man from the vehicle approached us( he turned out to be a resident) and asked if we were having any luck catching the hogs..about that time, a lady who lived along the lake/clearing came out of her house with a flashlight yelling get the F*** out of here, get the F*** out of here repeatedly. The man told her that we were working for the HOA and that she needed to leave us alone and get back in her house...She went back in her house, then came right back out racking a shell in a pump shotgun, telling us to get the F*** out of here NOW!  The man then pulled out his handgun and racked one in the chamber, then got on the phone with the law.  After some time 5 squad cars showed up, questioned both parties, and we soon became aware that these two had been going at it for some time. No citations issued, and no shots fired.  The lady claimed she was scared, and that there had been looters there after Ike and she was home alone, etc, etc.... Eventually, we spoke with the lady, explained what we are doing there, and we got her phone number. Mike is gonna call her and let her know what nights we will be hunting, so she doesn't shoot us  Shocked  It all turned out OK thankfully.  Couple hours later, we hit the trucks to head home, and Underdogs truck has had two valve stems cut off.  This was better than a mile from the lake area. Probably some random do gooder, thinking if he strands us, we won't harm the hogs....or something silly like that.

Never get too busy making a living that you forget to make a life.
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