Myles Man
« on: April 20, 2022, 08:23:26 am » |
No kiddin! They have been separated for about 2 months, we took Huncho to see Piggie Smalls and & they live in 2 different worlds, I’m glad Huncho keeps his focus on what matters most, not just a drive that will dominate anything moving, he mostly just wants his ball to play all day - he has his priorities in order for sure - now that he’s maturing he has to be watched closer around a lot of action, he won’t back down and he won’t loose Knowing there were 20 kids Easter egg hunting, he just wanted to be included, I love the fact that we have never had aggression issues at all, I’ve heard of one cull due to human aggression out of about 30 pups over 4 years (that was from a Stone x Stormy accidental breeding , Daddy x Daughter) Not my breeding - so inbreeding can get sketchy for several reasons, gotta have honest feedback because it’s serious in so many ways placing pups in the right hands.
Guard your heart above all else, for it determines the course of your life. Proverbs 4:23