« on: June 12, 2022, 10:11:39 pm » |
So this is an interesting topic to me and I agree with most everything said so far. MY OPINION is that for a dog to fit my opinion of GREAT, he/she has a list of criteria they have to possess, (hunt, heart, brains, bottom, nose, grit, etc.). The second part of that is that they have to be the same dog every time I take them to the woods. It’s not saying that they won’t get beat for one reason or another or even reasons that are out of their control. When I load them up though, I know before I get where I’m going what I have in the box. I know that no matter what happens, I’m gonna get the best that dog has because that’s the only way that dog knows how to perform. I have hunted with what I consider a hand full of GREAT dogs and just when I thought I’d seen them do it all, they would pull another rabbit out of the hat it seemed. Father Time for sure catches us all, but man some of these ole dogs sure give him a hell of a run for his money.
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