« on: July 13, 2022, 10:13:42 pm » |
bcwags, that Heide breed is relatively new. At least new enough that I wouldn’t think all the kinks were ironed out. They sound like a really nice dog by your account. For my taste they sound more attractive than the jagds. They also weren’t developed here in the states if I read correctly and we all know south Texas or Texas period can be a different test. I think I would pursue the Heides with very critical selection and maybe even find something with more the stamina you’re looking for to cross in. The first cross may not be exactly right but again, selection and each cross after may be just what you want. It doesn’t sound like there’s a whole lot of tweaking to do which is a plus. I don’t think I would choose a cur for a couple of reasons. 1) pure, they aren’t the most driven breed as a whole when it’s “Texas Hot”. 2) a lot of the cur types seem to be a little more possessive which often times leads to being a little more quarrelsome. Those are my opinions and my not trying to knock breeds or ruffle feathers. Was the half Heide half Jagd closer to right for you than either of the pure breeds?