Really good read. It has been my experience that the hard driving dogs are always more prone to heat stroke . They just do not know when to quit and will run there selves until it is to late. I have several Plotts here that have overheated and believe me, they are not the same. In the winter they are fine but in the summer they will overheat pretty fast, also dogs that are in good condition are less prone to heatstroke. I wonder also if that thicker coat has anything to do with it but if it is only a couple out of a litter who knows. The problem is prevalent all over the south in the summer..
X2…hard hunting dogs that won’t quit a track (lots of bottom) can overheat and die, usually these are the same dogs that will hunt themselves to death as well…as long as there are hogs to catch these dogs can and will hunt themselves to death unless they are caught or called in…
Cajun…I agree on the thicker coat…that is a trait I cull if at all possible…I like short slick coated dogs…it gets too hot in the South for thick coated dogs…