« on: April 27, 2024, 06:51:37 am » |
Start him on probiotics. I’d bet it’s his gut causing all of this recurring infections.
I have an intestinal disease and can tell you that if the gut is off, EVERYTHING else will follow suit. An unbalanced gut can lead to all sorts of things like arthritis, depression, bloat, diarrhea, etc. etc. I don’t know how familiar you are with the subject so I’m going to explain it as I’ve learned it. We all have good and bad flora in our digestive track, but once we get an influx, it’s all bad. Sometimes we don’t have enough good to kill the bad which is also a problem, and more times than not is the problem. Once a bacterial/ yeast infection reaches a certain point, the bacteria starts to mutate. Once it burrows into the blood stream it travels through out the rest of the body. This is how arthritis and inflammation develop. Once it’s in the bloodstream, it has developed a shell like crustaceans (shrimp and such). This shell prevents medicine from killing it.
Depression is created because the gut is overwhelmed and isn’t allowed to produce the chemicals that it naturally produces, serotonin, dopamine, melatonin, etc. The guy and the brain produce the same chemicals and if they get low, rob from the other to balance it out. So if the gut isn’t doing it’s job then the brain can’t either.
The endocrine system is responsible hormones and their delivery but if the body is overwhelmed with a bacterial overgrowth or infection, it won’t do it’s job either. I have actually had females start coming into heat once their gut got balanced that weren’t up until that point.
It’s just a thought or suggestion that you might try. Good luck and keep us posted.
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