We were invited yesterday to make a second hunt with some new friends. We had a crew for sure. Deputy Dawg has a litter of pups and King Smitty was coming to pick his up and deliver 3 more on his way back, so we invited him and his buddy Walt to go. It ended up being the 4 of us and Cannon and the then our new friends Trace, his wife Ramsey and their toddler, Trace’s brother Cameron and their grandpa Lonnie. We cast dogs from the truck and they hunted out about half a mile and came back in. It was plenty humid and they were kinda frothy. We cast them next along this slough. They didn’t finish wetting their whistles good before that old familiar smell snatched their faces out of the water. In about 300 yards they found a little loaner boar. He hauled butt, but was snatched up in 50-75 yards. The dogs left and Ray and Ava crossed the slough and went almost a mile south and then back in to within about 600 yards east. They ended up baying and when we got there they were on the opposite side of the river from us. I guess the hog heard and smelled our army and broke. They had him bayed again in about 5-600 yards but still on the River. We called that land owner and he said heck yeah go get him but only if we killed 10 more, lol. Cameron and Trace crossed the River and we sent catch dog Ranger across to them. They stuck a boar about 150. They came back across and we went to one last spot to cast. The dogs left and Outlaw bayed. The other dogs got there and hogs scattered. Outlaw caught a sow about 120 and the other dogs caught one about 130-40. Everyone relayed and Ava stopped another sow about 100 yards from the buggies and the other dogs caught another one or two. They relayed one more time and caught another sow in the river. I think we ended with 8 for the day. We had a good time telling stories and lies. Mainly Lonnie, he started a story by saying he remembered when he was a kid….I stopped him and told him there was no way in hell he had that good of a memory. He was a kid a loooooong time ago! It was a good time with good people. No trophies but it’s not always about that.
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All about the kids