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Author Topic: Flea and Tick Preventive  (Read 243 times)
Hog Doom
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« on: March 28, 2025, 05:46:56 am »

I’ve probably told it on here before but I had a buddy that raised lots of dogs, greyhounds. They used ivermec as well. Their worming regime was super strict. He said they would worm a gyp two weeks into her pregnancy with 2cc of ivermec under the skin or subcutaneously. They got the same dose 2 weeks before delivery. He said his pups were born big and healthy and he had way less trouble with parvo. He was the second VERY experienced dog man to tell me that keeping your dogs clean of internal parasites played the biggest factor in them getting or not getting parvo. The first guy told me that if I did that, that I wouldn’t even have to give parvo vaccines. He said that the only dogs that would contract it would be the really weak ones with super poor immune systems. He said you don’t want those in your pack anyway. He also said that unless the dogs were insanely tight bred or truly pure bred, that you wouldn’t likely see those types too often. My greyhound buddy said that even though he had lots of parvo until they figured this out that he wouldn’t even vaccinate for parvo and all the other stuff. The only reasons he did was because he boarded and whelped other people’s gyps and should they get parvo or anything else he didn’t want them to be able to say anything. The other reason was because the pups would leave his facility and then he had no control over how clean they were kept. If they left and weren’t kept clean they wouldn’t have a chance. I started using his method and I didn’t give vaccines for several years and never once had parvo. I started back to vaccinating because I brought home and unclean pup that got mine sick too and like Cajun and my buddy said, you don’t what they are going into when someone else gets them. Stress comes in many forms and is often times the catalyst for sickness. Parasites and rehoming are probably the two biggest stressers in pups. I have a theory about stress. Think about all the people you know that have cancer. How many of them are a P.O.S? Probably none of them but if so it’s a low number. Those people don’t care about anything, not their bills, not their job performance, not how they treat other people, not God, nothing. They aren’t stressed because they don’t care. The good people tend to stress over most things to some degree, and other things to high level. They get tore down and end up sick. Maybe it isn’t cancer but it could be some other disease. I’ll give you an example. We had a family that were close family friends to us. They had a barbecue restaurant. One day the man was shot and killed in the doorway of the restaurant by another man over a property dispute. Naturally his wife was really tore up but she worked hard to keep the restaurant going to keep a roof over her and her 3 kids heads. Almost a year later she gets cancer. Now she has that on top of trying to make a living as a single parent with 3 kids. Well she beats it. A while later she meets another guy and things are going pretty good and he’s starting to help out with the business but her the cancer comes back. She beats it again. Now her and the guy get engaged a little while later. They buy a nice home together. It’s by far the nicest thing she ever lived in, definitely a far site better than the trailer she was living in that was literally falling apart. Things are going great and she walks out to the drive where the fiancée was changing a flat only to find him dead from a heart attack. Now she’s lost a second significant other, is thrown back into making a living for her and the three kids by herself. Not only that but the house she was so proud of gets taken because she couldn’t afford it alone. She’s back living in that trailer house that is in even worse shape now. She gets cancer again. This time she can’t beat it. She has to lay in her bed and worry about what is going to happen with her kids. The oldest was fixing to graduate high school and the youngest was in Jr High. Stress and worry killed her as much as the cancer did.

Cajunl, I’m going to give that a try myself. Thanks for the info.

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