I have one good pick of a big sounder bayed. That happens more often for me in the daylight. I have seen the herding behavior in hogs just like in cattle. A sounder with several sows with young and adolesent members will come into the bay as a natural defence maneuver. They will pack up to defend their selves. Cattle will do the same thing, when hunting cattle and I get a good bay going I always take my time getting there and come in quiet. If the cows have calves and are balling at and fighting the dogs others will come to help, I have seen a 5 cow bay turn to 20, and when they get the numbers right they will run over the dogs at that point and escape. I have seen hog act the same way and I have watched singles try and leave the sounder and the dogs hit them and run them back in, just like cattle.
I used to just call that bunchin' up but now I will call it a RALLEY

Paul T