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Author Topic: Bay dogs  (Read 6745 times)
Boar Slayer
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« on: March 11, 2008, 09:22:25 am »

Hogs bay up just like cows and it takes the same kind of dog to do both jobs.  I beleive that hogs wont break bay unless they feel pressured to do so.....either before or after the dogs find them.  Could be they heard ur 4-wheeler or dog box rattle and that put them on edge so when the dogs do find them they have allready started leaving or they scatter once they see dogs there.  Or they will break bay if they smell, hear, see you,.....I have broken allot of bays that have been going on for half an hour or more, then I get there and the hogs smell me and they bust and run.  Turning allot of dogs into a bay that has settled will often times put too much pressure on hogs and break bay.  Some times a single dog will be bad about putting to much pressure on groups and will always break bays.  Sows with little pigs are the easiest to bay in a group.  Usually mature boars dont bay in groups because they dont travel in groups.  Some times boars will bay with sows if they are tending sows that are in heat.  Rarely do boars bay together.  The most male hogs I have ever heard of baying together was two barrows and a boar.

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