« on: July 20, 2009, 10:09:24 pm » |
they re relocating them things every where . i live in west tn , we aint had bears here since davy crockett was alive . but twice in my life time there has been 1 come through our county . the first one we didnt know why , the second was a bear twra tried to relocate to arkansas from the mountains in east tn . i first saw it on the news when it crossed the mississippi river and about every week it would be a sighting of it steadily going east to home . it came almost through town and was tranquilized behind the co-op . it had radio collar on it and the game wardens took him back to the mountains .
i was talking to ben jordan on the phone last year and his neighbor had shot a bear that killed several cows . said he stayed in court all summer over shooting that bear ... and come to find out it was a problem bear that had been relocated from arkansas . something about that just dont seem right .