« on: March 12, 2008, 12:13:46 am » |
Please allow me to be contrarian.
I was driving down a country road one day, and some idiot (your words, not mine) had dogs all over the road! He was flashing his lights, and I did my best to avoid anything, but before I knew it it was too late. Fortunately I did not damage my vehicle, so I kept driving.
Put yourself in the drivers shoes, and let's just say your dog being in the road caused a couple $1000 damage to the vehicle from either hitting them, or swerving to avoid them. Or maybe they were lucky and their kid only spilled icecream all over their new car?
There are two (or more) sides to each and every story. I'm just branching out here. If your dogs were hurt or killed, I offer my sincere regrets. But, do you take ownership of any of this?