I don't tolerate any of my dogs being grouchy towards each other, but on the other hand I am very cautious on how I discipline them around a hog. I want my point to be well understood.
Bryant, I think that is a VERY wise statement. I think too many people get caught up in this "my dog better do what I want or else" type of mentality and end up missing the big picture. Most dogs are going to associate correction with the activity that's going on at the time.... and **in my opinion** that makes correction at a hog pretty touchy. As a general rule, I try to be extremely careful what I correct any dog for, when he is doing what I'm training him to do. I'm not saying not to correct the dog, don't misunderstand me. I'm just saying that folks need to be careful & and choose the time for that correction carefully.
You can MAKE a dog do nearly anything you want him to do, but if you choose the wrong time for correction, you can accidentally train him not to do the right things as well. Did that make a lick of sense?
i'm no dog expert but i agree completely jlingle. i've seen that firsthand. i think it's very easy for a dog to misunderstand the reasons they are being disciplined if it's not made very clear to them. that's all i have, like i said- not a dog expert.lol.