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Author Topic: Pen vs. Woods  (Read 2143 times)
Alpha Dog
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« on: August 10, 2009, 11:13:08 am »

stress and excitement does nothing for muscle. I really think it wears them down faster.
Look at MMA fighter Wanderlia Silva. He is know now for his conditioning as much as he is know for his bully attitude. He credits his great conditioning to his training. Which consist of fighting everyday. He doesnt just punch a bag but on a day to day basis the guys at The Chute Box Academy try and knock each other out. His and other team members  bodies have become far superior to there past selves because of the training. There reasoning is if you train with the adreneline you body goes into this whole other relm of conditioning. In other words practice how you play type of things.  It also teaches them not to allow for the dump.

In a pen the dogs are cutting and jumping around barking almost like a circuit type workout especially in some of these guys bigger pens. Where a pig will run at the dogs break around the pen bay up run at the dogs again. That will tire them out pretty quick.

another point is you dont see Marathon runners only running 100 meters to train or Sprinters running marathons. Maybe he is contditioning his dogs to do what suits him or his enviroment which from what I can see is alot of thick reeds and water.
Maybe you get into alot of runners and need the distance.

Dont get me wrong I think that you could do either one and be good with it, but unless you are a Cariologist and have done extensive studies on the subject I just dont understand how you can make such a matter of fact stamement.
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