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Author Topic: I feel like an internet hog hunter :)  (Read 1913 times)
Circle C
Internet Hog Hunting Specialist
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« on: August 17, 2009, 11:56:23 am »

It's funny just how competitive hog hunters are...

I hunt more than you,  my dogs are better than yours, I catch bigger, meaner hogs than you, I have 6,000 years of breeding behind my dogs, my daddy's grandaddy was a hog hunter and I've been hunting since before I could walk, etc.

Truth is who really gives a crap....

I hunt as often as I want to. Which for the entire last year has been 2-3 times a week, up until a couple weeks ago when I went for a 10 day stretch without hunting at all. I did some things that I needed to do around the house, and I helped a neighbor get started building his barn....  The other day when I felt like hunting, I called a land owner whose place I have not hunted in sometime and setup a hunt with friends and family.  I hunt because I enjoy it, simple as that. Not because the hogs are tearing up my pastures, and not because it is a family tradition... simply because that is what I enjoy doing.  I am fortunate to have a wife that enjoys hunting as much or more than me, and that both of our daughters enjoy hunting as well. It is quality time well spent with my family and friends. nothing more, nothing less.
My dogs work for me well enough that I am happy to feed them, some hunts they impress me, some hunts they depress me Sad but overall they are decent dogs. Not sure that I can call them hog dogs, cuz someone is liable to say " You ain't ever even seen a real HOG DOG"   well that, and every once in a while one of my dogs might think it is a SKUNK DOG.  I have bought my dogs, so I can't make any claims to have bred them myself and have decades of specific breeding behind them. Nor can I make claims that my daddy or grandaddy were hog doggers... My introduction to hog dogging was going with friends in 2000 or so south of Pleasanton, Tx   I had no idea what to expect in that milo field at midnight, I didn't know if the hogs would attack me, or just what the hell was going to happen... We ended up baying a group, and caught one out of it, then spent the rest of the night trying to gather up the dogs.  I was hooked. It still took me 6 years before I bought any dogs of my own though.....   I guess  I'm just an internet hog hunter Grin

Never get too busy making a living that you forget to make a life.
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