i don't know if you guys browse through any of the larger hunting sites like archerytalk or bowsite but it's always the same thing. if it doesn't effect them, who cares. they're quick to point out when a guy shoots a deer or other animal out of season he's not a bowhunter but a POACHER, which he is, but the minute a guy cuts a fence to go after his dogs he's a doghunter, not a trespassing law breaker. ALWAYS A DOUBLE STANDARD.
i don't doubt the 2 guys that had problems one bit. i've got a guy down the road that causes problems in my neck of the woods. i've reported him several times and he's still at it.
Until they up the penalty for breaking the laws it's not going to deter the lawbreakers in this sport. I wish people would realize that the same guy that's gonna turn his dogs out on property he doesn't have permission is the same guy that's gonna shoot a deer out of season or at night. the same guy that'll shoot more than his bag limit per season, etc...