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Author Topic: First Annual Betty Crocker Babes Versus Barrs Hunt  (Read 44064 times)
Hog Doom
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« Reply #20 on: August 24, 2009, 07:23:06 pm »

WELL Hello Boys!!!! I see that while the cat is away the mice will play!!! In this post I will go ahead and dispose of several problems!
The Most Important Problem:
After I got home today I began to read the brave words of my now deseased husband! I would like to, at this time, go ahead and give the Pink Pantied Barrs a chance to replace Chance. I have administered the appropriate castration techniquies and finished him off painfully and slowly and dug him a hole in the back yard and rolled him off in it. So in light of this I think it is safe to say he will not be able to be a part of your team! Evil  :'( Grin
Chatty Kathy, AKA Matt, in a previous post ETHHunters blindly defended you and suggested that we man up your nickname by calling you Chatty Matty! Well for anyone who has read your post on this subject today can see that you are a little more that just slightly feminine! Shocked Shocked I mean really do you want some cheese with that wine?! I can't carry my air conditioner, its to hard to drag the hogs out, boo hoo hoo! Hey , us girls don't want you sissying up our group! Shocked Grin Maybe the guys can go ahead and give you them pink panties and you can be there cheerleader!  Grin Grin And also Chatty Kathy don't be so modest you know that you know that kitchen inside and out! Grin Grin All in good fun Matt please don't cry and binge on bon bons! Don't need you to have a reason to complain about how fat the pink panties are going to make you look when us girls win! Grin Grin
Chris: AKA (to be announced after we see how sorry of a loser he is Sept.4). No need to handicap us if anything you probably should be able to add another real man to the team to pull Matt's weight. lol! I am actually feeling bad for you guys it must be really hard to swallow the fact that ya'll are about to get pummled by a bunch of girls. I bet that is really hard on that male ego! Grin Grin
Mike/ AKA My hero- I do believe you might be the only smart one in the group that knows not to deny the inevitable outcome of our little hunt. This is where the saying, if you can't beat em' join em', really rings so true. We shall see how many more of these guys jump ship at the last minute just from the fear of losing. I am so glad to have a "real man" on our team! Wink
Steve,  True Blue really seems to have you in your place. LOL!!! It seems you really understand the way things are going to go you just can't blatently spit it out because of your other team members. Way to really take one for the team! It is ashamed though that you will soon know your personal size in pink ruffled panties! Grin Grin

As for all you other guys and gals that are rooting for the Betty Crocker Team we will set a time to have a real nice victory party where the Barrs will be serving us with the food of our choices!!

As for you guys helping to conspire against us or bet against us...please find a day on your calender that you are free so that you can come get in the picture with Team Barr. Also please BYOPRP! (Bring your own pink ruffled panties!!) Grin Grin

I do believe this competition just got a little more intense!!! We got em' on they run girls!! I think they are starting to sweat it!!!


Hog hunting can start more crap than anything I have ever seen!(HDLCrystal)
Remember John Wayne was just an actor the real cowboys is who he looked up to..........
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