i have to agree with elliscountyhog about the catahoula dogs. the ones i had were slow to start and did take longer than the currs. and i agree with hipockets, i have seen alot of curr dogs finished at a year.
i have seen 4 year old dogs, be taken to the hog pen a few times and with in 6 months are top strike dogs. i guess you have to find the want to hunt button in the dog. good hunting.
On a regular basis we put older dogs in with pups to get them going. Doesn't hurt anything...
I would question the dog if putting it on hogs... too much... had a bad effect on it. My mind can not grasp that. Do yall have limits on how many hogs yall catch in a year so yall don't burn yalls dogs out or what?
In a pin... in the woods... its still a hog dog. Its still going to work the hog.