« on: August 27, 2009, 06:23:07 pm » |
Well I won't make any trouble I respect the rules, but I think he has enough leather to make about 10 or 11 collars maybe. Not going into production or anything like that or trying to compete with UglyDog Ranch, I saw the leather cut collars that Rowdy had for sale on here a while back and the collars that that Rocky guy makes, so I asked Dad to make me some. Would it be ok to put an ad up for just those 10 or 11 collars and then that would be it. Whatever you decide Circle C, doesn't matter to me.
and yes he can make whatever you want, I think he is gonna make a Garmin holster for BLUE LACY pretty soon, just has to get the pattern drawn up for it this weekend. Don't want him to get too swamped with orders cause he is a pipeline welder by trade, the leather is just a hobby.