The finding the hogs but not baying the first time is familiar. Her brother from this same litter did the same thing his first time out. He struck the hogs but didn't quite know what to do about it. He went through all the "baying" motions and didn't start barking until the real strike dog got there. That dude has been striking hogs ever since. He was the big yellow male in the litter.
sounds good...i mean she's what, 8-9months...i felt she did pretty good...she isn't really a nose to the ground dog, nose is always up, every so often will she put it to the ground....sye is more nose down type(he is a true hound, so not too suprising). sye has a colder nose so they might be each other's ying and yang...sye can start it, she is right with him, then when she catches wind she's gone like the wind....we'll see how it all plays out...just got to keep put them both in the woods together so they learn to use each other...