i caught a boar that weighed 425# back in 2001, he had been coming to some feeders a rancher had out for yearling calves, it was full feed, they had watched him for couple of months they called me and we went out on a july day and seen him leavin the feeder headin for Big Creek bottom, we turned out on him and bayed him up in some johnson grass, cut the catch dog loose and got him, he fought for about 30 seconds maby and then just sat on his butt and stopped fightin, we went up to him and finilly got him rolled over and tied, i guess he was so big and fat and OLD he couldnt really fight long with it beein hot out side and full of feed
No doubt, There have been some big hogs pulled out on Big Creek. I've caught several that were pushing 300lbs there, but still looking to break the 400lb mark. Its a small world.
It is a small world. Owner of the business next to my office told me yesterday that he killed a 700 lb hog that came out of Big Creek....or he claimed to be 700 lb.
I dont think feral hogs can get anywhere near that size.
He used to live in Marlin and wife from there.