Finally got my bean and pea fence up and planted. Plus, the veggies we planted in the tires last week are all coming up nicely. Here are some pics of our progress.
Here's Melissa and Matt mixing our dirt.

Here's the whole crew planting. We planted both sides of the fence.

Here's our cantalopes.

Here's our cucumbers.

Our watermelons.

I think this one is our broccoli.

This is our lettuce. It's pretty small, but growing. We have more in a small planter that we are going to transplant when they are a bit larger.

And, here's our okra. It came up quick, and looks good.

You can barely see them. But, there's onion sprouts coming up by the maters.

We also put together a potatoe plot near our compost bin. We used some bricks to make a perimeter. I didn't get pics of that though. I'll wait till they start to show too. Being new to the gardening scene, I don't know if it made a difference or not. But, all the seed we used was that organic seed that is guaranteed to come up quicker and grow better. We'll see how it all goes. So far, so good.