Ya all are something... this was never about politic, it was about standing up for your rights and letting the great state of TX know how you feel. Alas I receive the same responses I receive from the rest of America...
"I don't have the mental capacity to understand politics..."
"This is a hog hunting forum... doesn't matter if you post in the "GENERAL DISCUSSION" CATEGORY... it should all be about hog hunting!
"It's out of my hands..."
No wonder we're in the shape were in as a country... everyone wants to sit on their a s s e s and say "Not my problem, I wonder who won American Idol tonight???"! :
I bet on election day everyone here is out hog hunting instead of voting... well, maybe 3 of you will vote (Adding Kevin as he seems to stand up), that's about the national average. :'(
What ever happened to the great state of TX and "Don't mess with TX"?
I know, it must be all those d a m n yankees and wetbacks... that's what happens when you sit on your a s s e s and don't fight for your rights...