Typical hill country hunt with no blood, just where a hog crossed the road on an avg day for temp, wind, dew and all the other many factors.
Hot - 0 - 1 hour track
Medium - 1 - 3 hour track
Cold - 3 - 6 hour track
I have followed some of the best hounds in this part of the country on hogs of several diff breeds, and 6 hours is the top where a hog can be assured at the end. Anything more than that and you are sure eoungh cold trailing which just means they know one was around and want to work it out but just cant.
My question would be if you are good eoungh to tell the age of a track to be 12 hours old why do you need a dog, trail it up your self.
Unless you are standing there watching the hog cross you dont know for sure how old a track is and as one said in a reply here, 4 hours on a hog can be many miles away.
I could easily agree with this discription for most places I've hunted.