While I commend ya'll for your empathy in this situation...I would venture to say that unless you were there to see how a particular dog has obtained their scars, it is nothing but speculation at best as to what actually happened. Many empathetic folks would look at some of the scars on our dogs and mistakenly speculate that they were fighting dogs as well.
Kind of what I was thinking Scott. I know you guys mean well, but what your doing doesn't seem much different than what the anti type folks do to us.
Good hunting..
Good point! On that note, If you plan to keep that dog, rehabilitate it, nurse it, what ever; you may want to report it for a little CYA.
Obviously, if you live in the boonies and there is NO chance of anyone ever seeing the dog, there is no real concern.
If you live in a sub-urban area and there is a chance that someone seeing the dog will assume that its YOUR DOG, and that YOU are a dog fighter, its a short leap to being reported.
All that it takes to make sure you are covered is a report of suspected animal abuse with the Sheriffs department...