I have two hogs that are the most memorable for me. I didn't get them on a dog hunt. But, the hunt is still vivid in my mind. I was on a hunt in West Texas with a friend of mine. We were hunting Aoudad sheep. As we stood at the cross section of two sendero's I spotted movement about 500yrds away, down one of the sendero's. It was a large group of hogs feeding in the sendero. It was my turn for a stalk. So, me and my partner made a plan. I began the stalk and it was slow going. I was still wearing long bulky braces on my legs because of my accident. They sure made it difficult to move without being detected. But, I went slow and kept to the side of the sendero. Several times I had to just sit and rest on my butt to keep from being detected. I finally got within about 100yrds of them. I had a few catctus spines in me for the effort, but I was close enough finally for a shot. I picked out the biggest hog and dropped her in her tracks. All the other hogs ran into the brush. As I was walking toward the hog I had shot I heard a commotion and grunting in the brush to the left of the sendero. All of a sudden a large hog came charging out of the brush towards me. She was about 30yrds out when she began the charge. I threw the rifle up and shot once. She turned to my right and was now quartering to me. She didn't stop though. So, I jacked another round in and hit her again. She came to a sliding halt right at the right edge of the sendero, about ten yrds in front of where I was standing. So, I now had two good sized hogs down in the sendero. My buddy joined me and said he loved the ringside seat to the show. We gutted both hogs right there and skinned them under an old oak tree by one of the ponds on the ranch. Sure made for a memorable hunt, especially as we admired the hogs as the sun set on the West Texas landscape.