dog box is the only way
i work construction and always have tools in the back along with the ice chest and water jug and
both of our boxes have lock hasp on them havent had a ice chest,water jug or things like chain saws,shovels and concrete tools stole while i was at lowes or walmart,,,,,, or in the case of a long hard
hot day after work a watering hole
and tripps will lay on the big ice chest aand if he dont know ya your not getting a thing out of it
my big box is 30 someodd inches tall ,5 foot long 47 wide and split in the middle with the right side made a double decker with a plywood top and end and light sheet metal 3/4 the way down the side a piece of plywood laid under it for the dogs and keepm out of the water.. then we have a plywood double box that fits in a toyota thats 40 something wide 4 foot long and 28 inches tall and 2 1/8 inch holes all around it,,, a door bore saw just what i had
plus the little three hole dog trailer