« on: October 18, 2009, 02:36:16 am » |
Nose will only work in some areas...............what works one place wont work others and what works on one hog wont work on the next. Nose is what made the hogs in the hill country what they are today as for a running.
There are to many varibles from place to place and hog to hog to blanket the running hog problem with statements like "more nose", "more catch", "more................the list is long".
It is a problem that will be here as long as there is hogs, and as long as we keep loosein them. It will never change nor improve. We can only learn from these happining and hope we can do better the next time.
Last night on a ranch that has runners .................. Knowing I have been out run several times now on this ranch I loaded 6 dogs instead of my normal 4. One hound/cur for lead dog and 4 catahoulas and a dogo/ab pup. Didnt take a catch dog, instead of hunting 2 out like i normally would here I hunted out all but the dogo/ab pup. We hunted 10 mins and instead of a bay we heard squealing, they had caught a sow 135 lbs or so and never barked that I know of.