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Author Topic: New Zealand pigs  (Read 1476 times)
Alpha Dog
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« on: October 21, 2009, 06:47:22 pm »

Pilla, I imagine most here are already familiar with staghounds, and the 100 different cross-breed possibilities for pig-doggin', but would you mind 'splainin' the BULLARAB to the forum, the blokes here would probably find it interesting. You could probably 'splain the ROODOG too while you're at it.

ok well i dont no to much about bull arab's but i have seen some . they are a good sized dog intbetween knee and wiast high maybe can get bigger not a skinny dog but not really big built either usually white with a few spots they have a good head on them if trained right and there fast good holders also can have a good nose for finding and they have a great temperment ive never heard of one attacking a person thats all about i know about them . there are heaps of breeds down here for hunting these days bull terrier cross pit bull . grey hound cross bull arab .  bullsmastiff bull arab . the only dog i have ever used is staffy cross bullmastiff ive had 3 of them now and they are fast strong and are smart and they are also a house dog but people around here dont use them cause there only about knee height . probably the best dog ive ever seen work was a dog we had called jaws he was a pure breed red cattle dog we got him because he was classed as the most dangerous dog in town and it was gunna get put down so we took it . the problem with red cattle dogs they seem to attack people they dont no but i giess if there trained properly they wont attack people.  blue cattle dogs are awesome bailers they wont let you down at bailing . great dane cross bull mastiff is a good dog to use hunting but are very big and sometimes slow. now about the roodog ive never heard of it lol if its supposed to catch kangaroos thats just silly cause as far as im concered if anyone is game enough to put thee dogs on roo's good on em but a kangaroo is not somethin to mess with there more dangerous than a pig and will rip a dog up in minutes. sure my dog has caught roo's before but only small ones he bit off more than he could chew once when he took in a big one and my dog got more ripped up than i ever seen him on a pig both his front legs were just meat and bone i didnt see no fur on them at all but yea roo;s aint to be messed with unless ya got a gun lol does anyone else have an questions? ill try and answer them lol
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